Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Hell Exists...I was in it...

Not so awesome of a place when you're alone in a parking garage for about an hour and a half at 1 a.m. is it...that's what I thought when I got to Miami last night. Cause that's where I was. Apparently, one shouldn't expect to be able to operate a vehicle unless you're over 25? What state has a law like that? Honestly...

So I get to the rental place, and they couldn't have told me that before-hand, I had to find out at 1:30 in the morning. Alone, without transportation, in a parking garage, in heels. A night of pure bliss. But alas, it gets much better. I finally get a car, that I may as well have amputated my left arm for, but nonetheless, I'm on the road searching for the hotel I have reservations with. After driving up and down the same road for literally a half hour, not seeming to be able to find the sign, I soon realize why.

I think if the people on death row built a hotel for the people who put them away, I imagine it would look something like this. Now I've stayed in crappy hotels before don't get me wrong; I can deal. But when I get to my room at 3, and wake up to pounding on my door at 6 a.m., and numerous police cars in the parking lot (with flashers mind you), I start to get a little nervous. Not to mention I'm still sick, and overtired at this point, and already tried to take apart the smoke detector in my room that makes a "nails on a chalkboard" screeching noise every 15 seconds...that I got about 2 hours of sleep to. Eventually, I get in my car and start driving toward what I think is a safe place. Local time: 6:32 a.m. Nearly in tears cause at this point im a straight up drama queen of a wreck (and look like it at this point as well), I got everything done that I came here to do.

The deposit is made, and I don't feel like I'm in any state of emotion to disclose my tenative one-way departure date...but let me assure you, I know it, and it scares me. The chain-link thingy is getting made tonight, and it won't take very long.

On a lighter note, I filed all my financial papers with the school, and am registered for a full-load of socratic hell this fall.

p.s. I'm only on this computer and not on the beach for a few reasons:

a) I've been outside all f-ing day and can't handle it anymore.
b) I wanted to take a shower.
c) If I fell asleep in the sun right now, I may not wake up.
d) I'm currently trying to figure out how to get myself home.

Also, my parents are mad at me for all this too. They tell me to get down here and get shit done, and I do, then my dad feels like I'm jumping into things too quickly. I feel like even the slight incline in someone's voice right now could send me over the edge, I even thanked the lady at the complex where I signed for being so nice to me:)

Anyway, this screen is getting a little blurry...so I think I'm going to order myself my first meal of the day (a gi-normous one), and curl up under my covers and try to think happy thoughts.

"The results are in...there's nothing left to ponder..."