Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tummy Ache

Subtitled: The Giant Sandwich

This is a pretty lame story about my day. It all started when 8 hours of sleep were not enough for me last night. I got up, and felt like I just got hit by a truck, and made myself a bagel. I get to class 1 minute before it starts, and get an email about the daily announcements - Family Law Society meeting today at 1. I think, okay, sounds cool, free lunch, and an opportunity to get involved and meet people. I hesitate to rely on this lunch though, because it will most likely be pizza, and I'm unfortunately not a big fan.

I have one more class before the meeting/lunch. I get a bagel from the cafe downstairs. (Note: Bagel of the day number 2). After class I head up to the meeting which turned out okay, but the lunch, of course, was pizza. After the meeting, my tummy is growling. I head downstairs to the cafe to see what my lunch options I have: doughnuts, yogurt, and pre-packaged sandwiches (kind of like the ones they sell in the gas station). A little sketched out about the sandwiches there, I settle for yet another bagel.(Note: Bagel of the day number 3).

As I am taking the last bite of my bagel, I see people next to me eating Subway. Where in this 4 floor building of offices did these people find a Subway? I ask, and find out there is a food court with more than Subway in it about 2 blocks away. Considering that it is pouring rain outside, I don't feel like walking there. Lo and behold, someone behind me decides to say "there are free sandwiches in the boardroom." Now I don't know what the boardroom is exactly, but I remembered seeing a glorious looking buffet in a big room on my way to my meeting. After making sure I won't have to talk to anyone in a meeting to get a sandwich, I decide I am hungry enough for the effort.

I ask my friend to watch my stuff, and make my way to the "boardroom." After looking through both doors, I see the room is empty. There is a huge conference table, formal meeting set-up, and...the jackpot - a huge buffet with chips, cookies, sodas, bagels, and....sandwiches. I do not think that these sandwiches are for me though. There is no sign. The closest door to the sandwiches is in fact, shut, and my name is not written on any of them. When i see one that has chicken written on it, I decided to get a plate. I take the gigantic chicken sandwich that I am now claiming as my own, a giant chocolate chip cookie that probably doesn't belong to me either, and and a soda, and leave through the shut door. People are looking at me on my way down probably thinking wow...where did she get that? What meeting do I have to go to for that sandwich? You don't have to go to any meeting for it. You just have to hope that the people who's meeting it was weren't very hungry.

After I got back downstairs, I opened my new present to find that, not only was it chicken, but it was chicken salad, even better. Chicken salad with grapes, almonds, and crunchy bread, a chocolate chip cookie, and a soda. All not mine. All went in my belly in under 5 minutes. All after a bagel and cream cheese that followed 2 other bagels and cream cheese just hours before. Not a good plan.

Needless to say, it felt like Thanksgiving on October 17th, and I nearly fell asleep in my class, that started about 10 minutes after this little excursion ended. Note to self: don't take sandwiches that aren't yours unless you do so on a completely empty stomach. And if you are full, take the sandwich that is probably someone else's home to eat when you're not.

P.S. For those of you who stalk me through this blog, I had an eventful summer that ended with me moving back to the mitten, and transferring schools. I'll try to keep stories coming, and I'll try to make them a little more interesting than stories about tummy aches and giant sandwiches.