Thursday, October 20, 2005

Natural Disaster...Still a Season

Well...this week has taken an unexpected turn...and hopefully the hurricane they're forecasting to hit here this weekend will too. As of now, there's a strong category 4 hurricane heading toward my apartment, and my kitties:(

Kitties?? Yes, after a random trip to Petco, Joe and I obviously had a hard time leaving a box of abandoned kittens on the floor...we had to take at least one. We ended up getting a little charcoal kitty, and named it Zoey. Once I figure out how to post pictures on here again, you'll understand why we couldn't leave her precious face. I wanted to take them all, but Joe didn't think that was practical...I agree, but they were still ALL precious:)

We had a fun time watching Tara hiss at it for the first couple days, she was being territorial, and jealous, but as of now, Zoey's basically her new friend...

So Hurricane Wilma, heading toward here, leaves it up in the air as to what we're going to do about leaving/staying/preparing, ect. Hopefully, that crazy 90 degree turn it's forecasted to take won't happen, but I guess it's best to plan for it.

Options include: stay here and have a party with the kitties, and fend off water from my sliders (which flooded the apartment last time), fly to Michigan and spend some quality time with the family (while worrying about kitties, and apartments...), pack up stuff and go to Joe's, or take a road trip to Alabama with my friend Meredith. All options are possible at this point I guess, I just don't want spend money and fly back, then have the storm not hit, or drive to Alabama and have it head north.

Basically, at any rate, I'm hoping that I can look back on this post and be able to justify staying here, and maybe laugh about how freaked out people are about the whole ordeal. Though the slogan down here as of now is "better safe than sorry..."

So if you check this post out before the storm hits, let me know what you think, sort of "duct taping the cats to the floor." I'd be afraid something would fall on them:(

P.S., I posted awhile ago about the Dean that was going to take over my 8 a.m. class....yea, that's starting right now, hence, the reason I'm posting at 9 a.m. We had a reading assignment last night, and he's basically outlining the chapter for us, like it wasn't the most black and white, straightforward, 4th grade reading level material I've had yet at this school. Sounds like a good time to update my blog I guess. My book tape theory is holding nicely, this powerpoint he's using is designed for pre-schoolers....very challenging. Basically, I'm glad I spent the time reading....sarcasm emphasised

Seriously, there are Flinstone and Barney characters on the screen right now, and bundles of asparagus. It's like a picture book.

Well, now he's talking about lottery tickets, so I feel as though I should pay attention. Maybe I'll give a shout out from Michigan this weekend, maybe from Alabama, or maybe from the ruins of South Miami after this hurricane blasts through here.

That's the optimistic update as of now...keep your fingers crossed for a mellow, roof over my head, no power outage sort of weekend. And lets hope my school is still left standing:)