Thursday, December 15, 2005

One down...5 to go...

A nice pessimistic way of looking at the completion of my first semester...which I apparently have 90 days before I can even say whether or not I went out with a bang. And by that time, I'll already be back in, so it won't even apply. Anyways, I have no idea how I did, and I won't find out for probably a long I'm going to pretend to not care about it at least until after New Years.

Taking finals here was a lot different that I remember in undergrad...and rightfully so I suppose. You get to sit there for about 4 hours, taking a ridiculous exam to determine close to, if not, 100% of your grade. It's a little scary, and a little frustrating when the exam is only on 1/3 of the semester, and the professor leaves out nearly 2/3 of the material we learned...I figured that as a law professor, it'd be easy to be creative, but apparently not...not that it happened to me or anything...haha. Anyways, enough frustration. Well, actually, another thing that frustrates me is when professors are almost too smart to teach the material. Like they assume that we know everything they do, and they almost know too much to just teach the basics. Then you get to his or her exam, and the first half may as well have been written in a foreign language. Educated guesses come in handy sometimes...Anyways, it's over for another few months. But the preview I've had of one of my professors, who sat at a table with us when a few people were out at the Tavern celebrating? For almost 3 hours? Talking about contracts? That should make for an interesting class...

The kitties are stil precious, though are racking up a few medical bills, and a nice list of infections. I'll spare any reader, and myself, the details. Lets just say that Zoey's had a couple trips to the bathtub in the last week, Tara couldn't see for a couple days, and at one point, Tara had a cone on her head, and Zoey had on homemade sock booties. Needless to say, they hated a few people, and each other, for a couple days. Fortunately, the train wreck seems to be getting back on track.

Also, we got ourselves a little Christmas tree, and it got set up at my place:) It's not a tree "per se," but it's more of a city slicker christmas tree (aka a 4 foot potted pine that we strung lights on), but hey, it serves it's purpose. It's pretty, and it has presents underneath it:) So i'm excited to open some tonight, and I'm actually pretty proud of my Christmas shopping this year. I got everything taken care of before finals finished, (made for a few good study breaks), and now I'm going to resort to nothing. Sit here, and do absolutely nothing. Well, between changing laundry and giving the kitties medicine, and packing for the trip home...I'm doing nothing. And fortunately for me, "nothing" today is going to include playing a couple video games, drinking some tropical fruit wine, and having an early Christmas with Joe:) Sounds like a good day of nothing to me:)

I'll be heading back to Michigan in a couple days...should make for an interesting trip. Kitties are tagging along this time again, but are going to stay with Joe, who is staying with his parents, so I'll be on my own for about 10 days...kinda sad, but everything should be back on track by New Years.

A fun Christmas game for anyone looking for a festive distraction...compliments of Meredith:)