Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Ching Ching

It's been an eventful past couple days...I picked up a truckload of extra hours at Carino's, and it was totally worth it, until all the money I made suddenly vanished out of my bag. I wouldn't have cared if it were only 20 bucks, or some petty cash like that, but it was basically my savings for that week and a half 'hoop-la' I was planning to have before I left.

Anyway, somewhere between lunch at Culvers, an afternoon run to the liquor store for screwdrivers, blitzcreek 2005, Jeopardy 2000, an afternoon "nap," and dinner at applebees, I lost a significant amount of money. Needless to say, I acquired a GINORMOUS life-size, stuffed elmo, and a good time that night to take my mind off it. I still want to find it though...

Two weeks from today, I'll be in a hellish U-haul, trucking my life accross this lovely country to live. Kinda bitersweet. I can guarantee I'll be blonde in a couple months for a couple reasons:

a) I can't afford hair dye
b) It's way to f-ing hot and sunny to not get your hair bleached
c) I'll eventually stop caring about being a rebel without a cause

Anyways, it's going to be another afternoon of bliss. Movies and coffee, and then hopefully a good night at work since it's kinda not nice outside.

Countdown T-minus 4 days until I'm done at Carino's, then I have to graduate and who knows...

I'm going to keep looking for that money...