Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dumps Like A Truck?

So I made it accross the country - with all my stuff, parents, cat, and all. My apartment is starting to look a little more like home...way different than Holland - but nonetheless...it's gotta look like my home somehow.

My mom is still here, which has actually been a lot less stressful than I had imagined. I have had a pretty good time here so far, but I think it may all hit me like a ton of bricks when I'm finally alone. I'm now starting to realize how incredibly hard it is to live away from the people who mean the most to you...it's going to be absolutely hellish.

I've tried to keep busy to take my mind off feeling sad about leaving, though it's not working all that well, I have managed to:

a) witness my dad get a ticket for 35 over in a u-haul
b) move-in and set up my apartment
c) look for a job
d) get my car crashed in a sweet hit-and-run parking garage incident
e) meet some people who won't come close to being adequate replacements for friends
f) get tan
g) get a bike, and ride it a lot
h) learn to hate smoking

The AC is cranked, and it's a cool 80 degrees here right now - I feel like I've taken living in Michigan for granted all this time...but it's amazing here. But then again, I love palm trees, and I love summer. My cat seems to be enjoying it here too - though she's sleeping most of the time, at least she's not chewing internet cables.

The bars are all open until 3 a.m., so that's one downfall of wanting to bartend in a big city, though a perk for prospective visitors;) I'll miss celebrating my birthday with the people I love, miss, and care about in Michigan- but don't worry...I'll hopefully have a couple drinks to toast to you...you know who you are:)

By the way, if anyone's interested in acquiring a cat...don't bother buying one cause they wander the streets like creepy people here...for free...