Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Don't Worry...Hell Is On Schedule

Just what you all were waiting for...another optimistic post. I know it's been awhile, but I suppose it takes a special time for me to feel as though I've done enough work to warrant my doing something uneducational. Anywho.

It's only Wednesday, and since Monday was Labor Day (the first time in awhile I've actually not had class that day - thank you very much private Christian College), that means that I've only had two days of class this week, though it feels a lot closer to two hundred. At first I was a little suspicious as to why I had free time sometimes, especially after hearing stories about people not sleeping for weeks, but it only took a couple weeks for me to realize that that most of the syllabus' maintained a steady, yet somewhat deceiving incline. It's almost as if they start off slow until everyone finally gets to the point where they have somewhat of a daily routine to maintain the workload, then they throw in a couple extra cases every night and the schedule that I thought I had mastered is suddenly significantly short of being enough.

I spent this past weekend doing work, as well as Labor Day. Well, except for the time that was allotted to standing outside in the street with my cat for a couple hours because my building was on fire, and the periodic breaks that must be taken to eat, sleep, shower and of course play a couple rounds of Dr. Mario, but most of the time, I was doing work. As a result of this, I felt I had justified myself in leaving my books on campus for the night in order to enjoy a dinner that I'm looking forward to kind of a lot, and maybe a movie. This, having been my daily routine all summer, is a little harder to let go of than I had anticipated at first.

Now that I think about the summer, I think I may still have a paycheck coming to me...not that it's going to be all that great, but any money coming to me at this point is a good thing. Speaking of, I got a check from my health insurance for fifteen dollars, which if you know me at all, you can probably guess that I can't find it.

It all goes back to that missing money from the spring...which I'm still looking for. I think I blame Tara. She's the only one living here that would eat money, and as far as I'm concerned, money doesn't vanish into thin air, and I don't suppose a ghost came in and took it...because I can usually tell when things like that happen. I can't believe I just brought that money up again, I'm laughing out loud right now about that huge stuffed Elmo that I got that night, probably out of sympathy, but one can always use a life-size, 4 foot Elmo right?

By the way I still have it, though Joe is pretty much the only one who's gotten any use out of it lately, and that's only to chase my cat around the apartment to scare her. I actually drove with it in my car for awhile when I first got it cause I was too lazy to take it out. People probably thought I was crazy, though they still should...

Anyways, one more cup of coffee for the road...