Sunday, September 18, 2005

Crash Course In Social Phenomena

I feel as though it's safe to say that school is officially in full swing. At least I hope so, for I've been making trips to the libray for the last few weekends, and anymore of a swing would probably involve me pitching a tent there. It's okay though, i've managed to keep up so far, though my cat's costing my a pretty penny with her fetish of eating expensive cords, chargers, internet cables, etc. One of these days...

It's been a pretty mellow weekend though, I've gotten a lot done, and even had some extra time to do some laundry and talk to my parents a little.

I even washed my slippers, which put a huge smile on my face when I wore them prancing around my apartment....:)

I do think it's funny, though, that my cat is deathly afraid of vaccuums. I tried to put her close to it today and she went crazy and didn't come out from under the bed for a good hour. Guess there's one way to keep her out of my way right? (I felt bad actually...) But my cat was lured out of underneath the bed when I came back...I guess she likes playing peek-a-boo from the laundry basket...sometimes she can be precious.

I had another run in with a bank, but don't feel as though I have the emotional capacity to go through the explanation. Not this bank, the one from Michigan that I havn't accessed in a few months, and don't even have a card for anymore...anyways, somehow I accumulated a hundred some dollars in overdraft fees....leave it to me I guess. Overdraw an account I don't even have access to.

Anywho - I'm going to get ahead on a little reading for this week. I'd much rather be playing video games or something, but feel as though I should do something productive. Even though I was at the library this morning early enough to get a front parking space, so I guess that should count for something:) Maybe...

Caleb, we should go back to Utah when we graduate from law'd be like a mountainman reunion. Till then, i'll just keep drinking tea.

By the way, pringles are awesome, and so is the sun:)

"The wheels just keep on turning,
the drummer begins to drum,
I don't know which was I'm going...
I dont know what I've become

hold my hand...
inside your hands,
I need someone,
who understands...

I hear your laugh,
I heard you sing...
I wouldnt change a single thing"