Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I Wake Alone...And Pretend That I Am Finally Home

My brother is in Brazil for the next 2 weeks...that seems pretty wild to me, my dad (who is thankfully still speaking to me) told me that they were taking a cruise down the amazon right now. It's just wierd to me to think about that. I'm sitting here eating gummies and drinking wine, my brother is on the amazon river in another country, and God only knows how many other crazy things are going on in the world right's kinda hard to imagine.

On another note, I can definately tell you what I was doing at about 1 o'clock this afternoon. Just as lunch was starting to slow down at work, here rolls in the party from hell. These people probably spoke a combined 4 different languages, obviously none that I understood...but anyway, people did in fact end up speaking English. 5 adults, and 11 kids...yes, count em again...11 kids. Soon becoming the neediest most demanding table I have ever served in my life, the man at my other table began raging because I didn't bring him his 3rd beer fast enough...Anyway, I guess I have to be thankful that 'fine dining' means an automatic 18% gratuity on parties of 8 or more. It was the only thing getting me through the afternoon...and ended up being almost worth the hassle. I don't think the hostess here knows me well enough yet to know how I feel about other people's screaming, demanding, high-rolling kids...

Thankfully, I didn't have to go back in tonight. This 'on-call' thing is gonna have to stop. They actually schedule people "on-call" in case someone decides to call in sick at the last minute. So I had to work my whole shift, until 4, when I found out if I got to clock out and go home, or stay on the clock and work through dinner...and after those kids? I think that place is kinda lucky that I didn't have to deal with the emotions that would've arose if they told me I couldn't go home after that.

Re-reading this post makes it sound like I'm in a pretty shitty mood. Let me first point out that this past week has, in fact, been pretty shitty...but let me also point out that although the worst is hopefully over at this point, the best is yet to about a week and a half.

Over the past 24 hours, my mom has spoken at least a combined 2 1/2 hours with the two people closest to me at this point in my life, and as a result, has apparently decided to take a break from calling me...which is fine, do what you gotta do I guess, but I think she realizes now that I grew up awhile ago, and that her threatening me isn't a very mature way to go about the situation. So at this point, she's either scheming up another mischevious plan, or trying her best to get over it. I'm obviously hoping for the latter, but again, God only knows what's going on in other places in the world right now. I'm over it, and getting on with my life, in the way that I feel is best at this point, and hope that my family sticks with me through it, but regardless, I'm thankful for those who have helped me deal along the really means a lot.

My phone broke yesterday...which led me to walk down the street and unfortunately shell out money for a new one. Seeing as how a phone is my only connection to the people I love right now, I felt it was essential. Anyways, I accidently threw away the box without cutting off the barcode on the bottom, so I basically threw away the 50 dollars I would have gotten from the rebate. I realized just now that I've bitched about losing money before, so I don't want to hear anything about it again...I'm an idiot, I should've saved everything, I know. (And yes, I did go look to see if the garbage was picked up yet...and unfortunately for me, it was...between the 3 hours that I tossed it, and realized it...)

My car is running itself into the ground. I'm thinking about fixing it up to at least the point where I can sell it. I can't justify paying insurance on a car that I've only used to take to the airport on two separate occasions. I've been here for over a month and have driven it twice...I may as well give it away and I'd save money. Anyways, it's going to cost me a few hundred to get it fixed, so I'm probably going to feel that pretty soon...can't wait:)

It finally stopped storming here...but I found out yesterday that hurricane season lasts until November that time in Michigan we may very well have a foot of snow on the ground. I guess I shouldn't get too excited that the first one didn't hit us, seeing as how there's going to be another 5 long months for that chance:) Oh well...I ain't I told someone today...I'll joust for it.

I give that two non-casted arms in the air.

"If you have a part of me,
will you take your time...
even if i come back,
even if I die,
is there some idea
to replace my life..."