Monday, June 13, 2005

Just When I Was Starting To Get Comfortable...

...shit hit the fan...hard...

But why wouldn't it? Not like I was expecting everything to be easy, but I never thought it would come to me doubting I could happily go home for Christmas or anything...or even go home anytime without "getting thrown in a trunk and taken to a secluded island until I get my head on straight."

(By the way that last quote was taken verbatim from a conversation I had with my mom.)

So with that said, if anyone wants to play Christmas, exchange presents, and let me believe in Santa for a day or two, let me know...

I've had some pretty unfathomable ultimatums thrown out on the table over the last couple days, involving student loans, lease co-signings, car insurance, money, and last but not least, my family's acceptance of me as a person. That may sound overly dramatic, but let me assure you, it's far as my parents being sober and with it when it was said, which I'm pretty positive that they were.

I've become an "unreasonable basket case" over the last few days...which I think is awesome, because the outcome of this situation still appears to include a new Florida resident. I'm just happy that my parents fortunately aren't able to control the decisions of others. I'll raise one up for that.

Unfortunately, pina coladas can only do so much, and only for so long, or until you run out I guess...which down here is basically when you want to stop paying for them. Good thing I told myself I wouldn't use my credit card unless it was an emergency...on second thought, what exactly classifies as an "emergency"...? Come to think of it, a credit card may have been warrented in the situation...

Ironically enough, my brother was supposed to have a 4-hour layover in Miami, during which I was going to meet up with him at the airport and have dinner or something. Unfortunately, Mona Shores hasn't stepped up on the scale of organizational skills and they ended up missing their first flight. Catching a later one only left him with about an hour here, which I found out about 5 minutes after they landed. If I continued to explain this in detail, including the time frame and the math, it would come out to this: I didn't get to see my brother today, and it made me really sad.

I do, though, have the whole day off tomorrow, so I'll actually have time to get to UPS and the bank and stuff like that...maybe if it's as sunny as it was today I'll even have time to hit the beach:) That would make me smile kind of a lot.

But with my luck, it'll be pouring rain and storming, with severe weather warnings, and I'll have to walk to UPS and the bank in those conditions seeing as how my car's still in the shop getting fixed from that lucky hit and run/engine breakdown that'll probably lead to me having to start an illegal business in order to pay for it.

Here's to being optimistic!

Breakin' my back just to know your name...17 tracks and I've had it with this game...