Monday, April 25, 2005

And So It Is...

It's getting down to the wire, and I knew that the awesome times/conversations I have during these last couple weeks would make it nearly impossible to get in the truck, but nevertheless...

I've been trying to save money lately, and have surprisingly been doing a good job, since I want to be able to have fun the last week I'm here and not working - which, by the way, is this coming up saturday...someone get me a witness:)

I would've put up a new post over the weekend, but I was simply too appalled by the winter storm warning conditions that I actually had to experience. I hear there's a place in Florida where that B.S doesn't happen, and weather like I saw this weekend actually makes me want to leave in some small way.

I've put packing on pause simply because if I packed anything else, I wouldn't be able to live here anymore without tearing through boxes everyday.

I got woken up by a credit card company at 8:30 this morning, so that was kind of awesome. I truly love when those people call me, it's so meaningfull.

Well me and this Honeycomb have a date, and non-stop rock is going to be here soon, so I'm out.'re good you...I see what you're doin' here...


Anonymous said...

screwdriving computer paper wadding lease party

Anonymous said...

Tickle me elmo!