Sunday, October 23, 2005

Help...Im stuck in a mitten

I hope that this hurricane does at least enough damage to justify my flying back to Michigan...but let me just say that this cold weather makes me wonder if being in a hurricane would actually be better.

p.s. Eric hissed at me in the library and I don't think I've ever laughed harder than I did that day.

p.p.s I miss Florida, and Joe, and my kitties:(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok this guy's one of those pyramid scheme dudes, not to mention a stalker. If he gives you his address, lemme have it so I can pay his face a visit with my fist.
Anyway, how are you. I finally put up all my pics up, so our Utah pic is flyin high on my wall again. Hope you didn't have any vacation plans in Naples...