Friday, January 13, 2006

Me Right Now

Here is an interesting story, that will serve as somewhat of a background to this post:

If i've already told you the story (which I probably have), then skip this part

My air conditioner was leaking pretty bad a few months ago (obviously it is now too, but it started then), and I told my landlord about the problem. A couple days later, creepy air conditioner fixer comes to fix it, and in doing so, simply changes the filter. Now I'm pretty sure that this was around the time that Katrina came through, so the power was down for some time shortly thereafter. (What do you know, he just came it seems as though all my problems are solved, though I will continue the story since I still can't do anything with him here). After the power came back on, I don't remember being all that aware of the leak, or the door just remained shut, or it was actually fixed for awhile. Either way, there wasn't a problem until I went to get somthing out of that closet, which was for some reason, stuck to the carpet. This is when I knew there was a problem, though since the air had been off for awhile (being in the mid 60's here for almost a month, the carpet wasn't wet). Once I turned the air on again, a couple weeks later (about 3 days ago today), everything in there became moist, musty smelling, and downright disgusting. This includes toilet paper (that was green), extension cords, and a wicker basket, that I happen to like very much (which is pretty much ruined). So, I turn the air off again, to stop the flow of water, and the thing keeps dripping. I tell my landlord, and she sends creepy guy to fix it. His idea, again, was changing the filter. It only took me about an hour to figure out what he had done, and I went back down there. He came back up and proceeded to put sealant onto a wet pipe, thinking that somehow it would miraculously dry, and this is where the problem currently stands. The pipe is leaking something that resembles water, though it most likely has some sealant in it; the board under the air conditioner is wet and rotted, and the whole closet smells like complete hell. I'm curious as to see what the remedy is this time, but I'll assure you that it's nothing short of getting that smell the hell out of there, and stopping the leak.

Well, for the first time in awhile, I'm bored. Not because I have nothing to do though, but there is nothing I want to do right now, or anything that I can do, really.

1) I've tried reading for class, but it makes me fall asleep. Drink coffee? Yes, I am doing that right now, but this one cup isn't going to do it, and since I'm too lazy to make more, that's out of the question.

2) Read something else? Unfortunately, I have the same problem, falling asleep.

3) Take a nap? Not possible. If you saw the guy who is supposed to fix my air conditioner sometime this afternoon, you wouldn't sleep either.

4) Clean something? Well, what do you think I've been doing since I got home from class? This apartment is only so big.

5) I have no need to go to the grocery store, and if I did, I'd end up buying a bunch of chocolate, or candy or something else that I don't need to binge eat, simply out of sheer boredom.

6) Go complain about my broken air conditioner again? Well, my landlord doesn't believe in working after 2 on Fridays. Actually, she usually doesn't believe in working on Friday at all, and after 2 on most days during the week, so that's out of the question (especially since I was there about an hour ago)

7) Fix the air conditioner myself? Now we're getting somewhere. The more I think about it, the more I feel as though I could actually think of a better way to fix it. I think that the glass I put under the drip is the best thing that's been done about the situation since it started.

So where does that leave me? Putting up this post. It actually took me being this bored to even remember that I had a blog.

I've snacked on just about everything in this apartment, and am kinda full. I guess I could always get started on that bottle of pinot grigio in the fridge...though that would probably put me to sleep (see #3 above)...leaving that to be a horrible idea.

I suppose I could always take another shower, though since its so unbelievably hot in here, it'd probably defeat the purpose.

So I guess we'll see how long this takes, though I'm probably going to look wierd just sitting here while he works, since I feel like I've exhausted my only option, which was putting up this post, because I'm pretty sure if I leave right now, he'll just put a bucket under the drip and take off for the weekend.

Grades from last semester are finally starting to come in...and the first couple actually called for a celebration in my mind. So Joe and I are going to get dinner tonight, probably at Cheesecake Factory, or something awesome like that, and do a little shopping before I have to read for contracts all weekend.

I'll leave anyone interested with a question. What does tuition actually pay for? Because on top of the unbelievable amount of money that you pay for "tuition," you also have to pay for books, parking, living, groceries, copies, and the all-new "professor's class supplements." Someone please, justify the reasoning behind me spending $20 bucks on a supplement that is of really poor quality (as in, you can hardly see the words since they are so faded), and is in addition to the nearly $150 bucks I had to spend on hardcover casebooks for the same class. In contemplating the answer to that, take into consideration the fact that I can hook up my own computer to a room in the library, and print off any number of pages I want. I could print off a 300 page google search result and they wouldn't do a thing. I just don't understand this at all. Does the professor get the $20 dollars? Because I think we all know that it does NOT cost $20 dollars to make 200 2-sided copies, especially when I can do it downstairs for free.

Anyways, I'm going to check on the "progress" of the air conditioning situation...and keep my fingers crossed that he isn't simply putting another sealant on it...because that's what it looked like he was going to do when he came in...

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