Tuesday, February 28, 2006

fun game, fun prize

I got a riddle from mountainman today:

"If yesterday had been Wednesday's tomorrow and tomorrow is Sunday's yesterday, what day would Today be?"

I thought about it for awhile, and in case you want to, the answer will be at the end...but I don't know how to put it upsidedown...

I ventured a guess... and got this compliment of the century in return...that might be sarcastic:

C a b l e 315: you get to post this in your profile:

"Stephanie is basically the best human being on the planet. Her charm and charisma brighten anyone's day, her intellect is as searing as the fire of a thousand suns, and her beauty is like a meadow awash in a million daisies. Stephanie is a mountainman among mere mortals."

C a b l e 315: Congratulations on your prize

The answer was Friday - and if I get motivational prizes like that everytime...i need more riddles...


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