Sunday, May 07, 2006

Me Right Now

I'm just sitting here with a cup of cheese its, sick of being in lazy people clothes, but without reason to change cause I still have stupid finals. I'm sorry, were you expecting something a little more interesting? I guess I am reading about pessimistic and optimistic pluralists...if that is any better...don't know what that is? Neither do I, but I sure hope to before my final tomorrow morning:(

I'm just mindlessly going through the motions now, hoping that I retain something in the process, and checking the clock every 5 minutes to see if its noon tomorrow which time I'll be done with my first year, and hopefully doing one of the following:

1) playing a video game
2) burning my legislation book
3) drinking a margarita
4) playing in the sun
5) sleeping

tick tock tick tock...


Anonymous said...

How's this for help Ms. Sunshine, when you, Joe and I get together to discuss law school, we have what you so elegantly deem "pessimistic pluralists." We would be "optimistic pluralists" if we were hippies and smoked dope and chanted around camp fires every night and stumbled upon a Detroit Bank Roll and then beat Stotzky to death with it. Sigh. I'm disappointed it took you quite a while to notice my last comment to your blog. "you never post comments." I do too you blind blonde ;) We will meet again. Ciao.

caught you looking said...

you should both be punched....just for good measure