Friday, August 22, 2008

Still Lagging...

okay - I have still not done a lot of those things on the list I posted last time.  Well, I did about half.  I partied with Reno (yay!), drank raspberry martinis at the Cheesecake factory, mingled with lawyers, bought resume paper, and gave my resume to lawyers who will hopefully give me a job.  

I don't have time right now to talk about the experience I had with a "surprise interview" yesterday, but rest assured, it was just that.  I would have loved a surprise party, or a surprise visit or something - but never a surprise interview.  Those are not nearly as fun.

Though I am thinking seriously about skydiving.  Seriously.. 


legallymundane said...

i would definitely push the surprise party thing next time your mentor wants to surprise you in any way. maybe you could hint around to it by bringing your own bottle of vodka next time. something's gotta work.

Anonymous said...

Hey way to update like two months ago!

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across your blog and I love your writing, whoever you are. Did you ever finish your book? I am a girl starting just starting law school and I would love to read more about your adventures.