Monday, March 14, 2005

Jail Would Be A Nice Place

Besides being newly infatuated with chicken caeser salads, I realized today that the song "Hell Yes" by Beck rocks my world. I also was presented with the possibility of starting a business based on counterfitting checks for a living, therefore not being forced to move anywhere within the next couple months to go to law school.

I'm about to take a road trip to GH right now, based on jumbled, incoherant directions I just got from the mamed dutch guy I hang out with sometimes who's already there.

A question I got asked today, would I rather get a dozen red roses, or 18 multi-colored ones? I thought about it, and decided that I would probably go for the red, but it was my brother's question so I took it for what it's worth.

Also, a new non-smoking motivation presented by the Onion, "Mr. Masher, the trained bull elephant who really hates second hand smoke. My motivation, and anyone else's who needs one. He's already pulled over, he can't pull over any farther. And anyone who owns over $150 worth of deuce-deuces is o.k. in my book.

Littering and...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holla Back Mo Fo!

I say shoot for the counterfeiting job. Easy money. Hell, I'd do it. Hmm, well I guess anything's better then cleaning toilets at 4am...dammit, I hate my live. And as for the roses, thanks for not choosing the colod know how I feel about "those types." Haha, no but seriously.

Dude, you just ate like a hundred bucks worth of pot and like thirty bucks worth of shrooms....

Come get it!!