Monday, March 21, 2005

Take me to prom, I'm game

I heart getting out of work early...leaves more time for being a huge tool. I decided around 1 p.m. today that it would be a good idea to pay someone to inflict pain on me, not in a sketchy way, but ya know. "I couldn't tell if that hurt like hell or if you really enjoyed that..."

My Monday afternoon was pretty average: a new toy, Chinese take-out, a couple pitchers of margarita, a movie...and chocolate heaven from Carinos.

Apparently my brother can flush anything under the sun down his toilet? I don't believe him...has he tried my cat? Didn't think so...

I get to take a mini vacation to Miami next week, so if anyone has some love for me...I'll be traveling alone...kinda scary since i'll be about 1200 miles away.

Anyways, I saw the coolest girl I know get serenaded by a 60 year-old drunk guy on Saturday night...kind of awesome. I hear your mr. sunshine on my f-ing shoulders John Denver.

p.s. why would you pay for an awesome cable package if you only get local channels? "What the hell? I'm not paying for this shit..."

"no...not space, just time...wait no, i don't know what you're talking about...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would like getting out of work early...there isn't enough time in the world for you to express your toolness. we unrolled an ENTIRE roll of TP into the toilet...then flushed it. The bastard didn't clog???? You bring your cute little kitty up here and she'll be down the tubes in no time.
Have fun in Miami...good luck with the GD cubans...christ. If you're gonna go to school there, you're gonna have to buy a damn gun or something cuz those cubanos are like goddamn seagulls: you throw something and they call their whole damn klan (yes, spelled with a "k"). Rock the frick out.