Tuesday, April 05, 2005

McFlurries are the whip!

Im goin' to hell....who's comin' with me...

Just kidding. But I decided that my "grade 'A' ridiculous" plan correlates quite well with my grade 'A' ridiculous self. Basically, I'm suckin it up, and shipping out to Miami. I don't know when for sure, but there's no backing out this time.

My gato and I are psyched (kinda) about year-round summer, but I think if I could bring the contents of the state of Michigan along with me in my carry-on, there would be no doubt in my mind that I'm making the right choice.

Random question: if there's a "no swimming/fishing" sign on the pond behind your apartment building, does that also mean "no jet-skiing, water-skiing or tubing?" I'd kinda like to find out...any takers?

Well, Carino's, you can take this as your indefinate notice - I'm out. And I can't wait to make the chain-link thingy to symbolize my excitement about that.

According to a wise source, once I take out a loan, I'm going to have money coming out of my ass, not like I won't have to pay it back, but once I can win a ridiculous case like "McDonalds makes their coffee too hot and I'm too incompetant to realize that on my own-and therefore am going to sue them for an outrageous amount of money," I don't see myself as having a huge problem paying that money back. Until then, I've decided to hit the books and live it up tan/warm/palm tree-style for a couple years.

Anyone else who wants to get the hell outta Dodge...hit me up.

I'm in a glass case of emotion...


Jon said...

Well, Josephus, I'm assuming you'll never read this, but I used to think like that too. Then I found out that the coffee in question caused third degree burns. For the uninformed, that's not a minor irritation, that's skin graft territory. And did you know that it's illegal to sell food that is inedible or dangerous? And did you also know that McDonalds was aware of how hot the coffee was and that it was causing injuries? And that they were ok with that? As someone once said, "The devil is in the details." So as absurd as it sounds that someone might actually sue for spilling coffee on themselves and getting burned, isn't it even more absurd that McDonalds didn't just turn down the heat on the coffee machine? I feel like that would have been way too easy...

Anonymous said...

Jon, wow. I'm an educated man and the only response I have is "wow."

As for my little McFlurry friend, as a great man once said: "bolt the door."

Jon said...

Anonymous, if that is your real name…Is that like “wow, I didn’t know all that stuff about the coffee thing and it has caused me to take pause right now and rethink my whole stance on life. Perhaps it really is better to gather all the facts before jumping to a snap conclusion…” or, “Wow, I have never come across anything so mind bogglingly stupid in my entire life. I don’t even want to be part of the human species anymore if people with thoughts like yours exist. From now on, I’m going to tell people that I’m a cat or maybe a dolphin or some other animal just so that there is no chance of ever being linked with a person whose ability to think and reason is so low that I must now devote all my energies and attention to ending the world as we know it before it gets any worse.” Because right now, I feel like it could go either way…