Wednesday, May 17, 2006

too caught up in the celebration

i am finally done with exams. We'll just start with that. The horrible 2 weeks of sitting with my face in casebooks is done for awhile anyway. I couldn't tell you why I waited this long to post, since I've been done for a week, and incredibly bored...Meredith went home (sad), my jew friend (as per request) is working on a stupid project, and Joe has to work during the week. Any people left unnamed are probably busy as well.

Things occupying my time over the last week and a half:

Job training: 1%
Eating bagels: 3%
Kitties: 6%
Reading sappy drama novels: 10%
Phone calls to mom to check up on her jank foot: 11%
Spending time with Joe: 13%
Rain: 15%
Final Fantasy VII: 41%

Adding that up to 100% gave me a headache, and I hope it's right. Probably a result of the video-game filled day I had today, seeing as how it was stormy again outside, for the 3rd day in a row. The only day it was even a little bit sunny was the day I had to do downtown to an orientation for my summer internship, which surprisingly sounds like a lot of fun. Needless to say, I walked out of the building to go home, and low and downpours. Don't worry, I wasn't in uncomfortable heels and a white dress shirt (note sarcasm).

So I'm hoping that the weather can clear up for at least an hour tomorrow, so I won't have to be a hermit on my birthday. Joe is taking the day off though, so at least I won't be bored here with video games and kitties all day:) (Not that I mind the situation, but after a straight week it kinda gets old...)

I'm going to make some dinner, and check up on mom...she's probably as bored as me (surgery on her foot) seeing as how she can't leave her bed.

Highlight of the week: giving Tara a bath. Becky, if you still read this, I don't reccommend it. And if you ever feel like trying, I urge you to follow these

Well I suppose this post shows why I haven't written anything sooner. Nothing is happening here...and if the highlight of my week was giving Tara a bath, then it's obvious I have nothing interesting to write about. Actually, come to think of it, I had an interesting "tropical margarita" last night, that would've probably been better had it not been interrupted by a guy on the street preaching to about 10 people trying to enjoy their dinner (and margaritas) about the race to heaven and Jesus coming with a firey sword. I guess that was something...until thankfully he was escorted away by the police.

I think I'm going to hit up my sappy novel, and make some dinner. Funny how a whole day can just zip right by and all of a sudden you look up and its nearly 7pm, and you're still sitting in the same spot as you were around noon...I'll blame it on the weather.


rebecca said...

miss you sweet lover!

Anonymous said...

Reading blogs was something i forgot how to do during that dark dark finals prep time. Let's see... I type here, then i go down to..."Choose an identity"...!!! I haven't been able to nail this choice down all my life, and now Blogger's making me do it just to post? ...k fine, just cuz you're my friend tho. Life's one impossible question after another.
...You see how law school maddens us?