Saturday, July 26, 2008


So it's finally the weekend before the bar.  I have 2 more days, and studying for the bar has become my new favorite thing.  Just kidding, I hate my life right now.  Even though I finished reading, I can't not do anything because I feel like I'm wasting time. Plus, I'm not even close to knowing everything.  Even if I spent the next 5 months reading - I still wouldn't be able to predict the stupid tricks that the bar examiners like to pull... none of which seem to be in anyone's review material. It's pretty much the most convenient thing ever.  

On a lighter note, my mom brought me snacks, and a block of dark chocolate fudge last night.  So my Saturday night will consist of reading MBE questions while eating fudge. Fabulous. I don't think I could ask for more. I'm gonna be like hell on wheels when this is over with.   

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Live for the Day...

Really, I am counting down the days until my life isn't made up of conversations like: 

"Did you know that a landowner has a strict liability right to lateral support in its natural state, though even if there's a building on it, you could recover on a negligence theory?"   

or, my favorite yet:

"Machines are not ever capable of producing hearsay.."

These are the mornings where I have a nearly irresistible urge to pour a large shot of vodka in my coffee... though I somehow manage to resist - mainly at the thought of failing.  After that thought goes away though, I start to wonder that if I really do start showing signs of insanity (not that I already haven't) if I could recover in some way against the bar examiners...

On another note, its almost too hot in my apartment to keep drinking coffee ... is it too much to ask for 75 degrees?  It's not even noon here and its already 81.  Needless to say, I don't have high expectations for this afternoon. Last night I officially established that it would make me very happy to have "mellow summer during the day with sunshine - with a thunderstorm once a week during a time where I can reasonably stay inside and do nothing, and winter every single night without snow..."  

...and then I realized I was wasting time...   

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I fought the law ... and lost

Seriously..  this is why I have absolutely no desire to go into any field dealing with copyrights. So I have successfully finished reading every. single. godforsaken. page. of my bar review program.... yes, and I even highlighted all of them and took notes.  In an effort to keep myself thinking that I'm making progress, I purchased some supplemental materials online.  I'm not a big fan of "buying" outlines - but figured that since I'd already read and made my own, it could only help.  

So I complete my purchase online - at which point I get an email with a link to the documents (in hindsight, this would have been much easier had he just mailed them to me) but I figured whatever, I'll print it off. Time goes by like sand through an hourglass (haha) for weeks and then finally this morning, I decide to put these files on a flash drive and make a trip (yes!! I was outside!!) to office max.  I chose office max because that was the closest place to me, and for some reason fed ex doesn't have a print center anywhere around here.  

I get to the store, and after waiting for about 10 solid minutes for some lady to get done talking about her wedding pictures, and why the color doesn't look right, and why the border on the original is a little wider than the reprint, it is finally my turn.  Also in hindsight, this would have been a lot easier had the potential for liability not escalated out of control to the point where I have to actually use the assistance of an employee to access a printer.  Anyway, I hand her my flash drive and tell her I need 1 copy of everything printed.  After she printed the outlines I made, she got to the ones I bought, does one of those slow... scared... looks... and says "I'm sorry I can't print these, they're copyrighted."  At this point though, I know that everything is okay because I can pull the receipt up on my phone (with MY name on it) and show her that I purchased these notes, so she can print them, and I can be on my merry way since I haven't done any work yet today.  I show her the emailed receipt - she looks concerned, and goes to get her manager. She then comes back and says well, we have to have it in a hard copy form.  She thereafter refuses to let me access my email on their computer.  After arguing with her about using their printed to print off this receipt, so I can print of my notes, she finally agrees to let me email it to her, pay for the paper to print it off on, and hand it to her so I don't have to drive all the way home and come back.  Also in hindsight, this is ridiculous, and completely unreasonable.  She gets the paper that printed, reads it, and for some reason having this in hard copy makes it look way less legit to her?  After several trips back and forth to different people, she tells me that she still can't print it.  At this point I absolutely lost it, don't have time for this, and am demanding reasons from all the employees behind the counter.  She proceeds to get a liability release form, and shows it to me - which is NO different than the receipt that I have, except for the fact that it isn't on one of their release forms, and doesn't have a handwritten signature of the author on it.  Apparently my only option at this point is to mail or fax it to the "author" and have him or her sign it, send it back to me, then I can bring it back to them (at which point they would probably still refuse to help me for some other stupid reason). 

At this point I think I am yelling, because it turned into one of those situations where all the employees in the store are doing fake work around me so they can witness the epic exchange that is going on between me and this lady at the printing counter.  Needless to say, I still don't have those notes printed, and am furious.  And yes, I wrote the author complaining about the fact that he sent me copyrighted information without a release form that would give me the authority to print it off.  Also, I don't plan on showing my face in an office max anytime soon, though in my defense, my social skills have become a little under par lately due to my being isolated from the outside world for awhile, and therefore inability to interact with human beings on a regular basis.  

Other than that whole debacle, my day has been fabulous... though since it's not even halfway done, that's not saying a whole lot...   

Thursday, July 03, 2008

A Hellish Update...

In an effort to maintain my festivity (and my sanity) - I will be going to Muskegon tomorrow to hopefully partake in some decent firework watching.  I really hope that they live up to my expectations, which to say the least, haven't been very high lately.  For example, I got SO excited as I sat down to a plate of scrambled eggs for dinner tonight - as opposed to the cereal I've gotten used to. So its pretty obvious what my standards are like right now... 

Goals for tomorrow: 

1.  Work on a decent tan
2.  Eat carbs
3.  Fall asleep in the sun
4.  Eat grilled chicken from my dad's fabulous grill 
5.  Think about contracts (maybe)
6.  Get a free tank of gas since I'm unfortunately running out of money

Anyway - the ant problem that I once had (that I don't feel like explaining right now) is finally gone ... I think... Only to be replaced by a ceiling that apparently leaks whenever it gets "really windy and really rainy at the same time." Fabulous.  

Things that are going to be my excuses if/when I fail the bar:

1.  My own inability to avoid distractions
2.  The ant farm that lived in my bathroom for 2 solid weeks 
3.  My landlord threatening to sue me (literally)
4.  Crazy people (you know who you are) 
5.  My lack of income and therefore inability to eat healthy
6.  My leaking ceiling that forces me to sleep on the couch sometimes 
7.  Not paying ANY attention in business enterprises 
8.  Absolutely loathing taking practice tests 
9.  Spending time I should be studying being excited about how many things I could sue my ex for

On a lighter note - I have an excuse to take tomorrow off seeing as how it is a federal holiday and all... so I'm going to pick up some bottle rockets... er... sparklers and hit the lakeshore.