Monday, February 06, 2006

Coffee Pizza

Issues to be discussed in this post: Computers that have keys eaten off them, and why they malfunction; kittens with cones on their heads; age at which you can make logical, legitimate decisions; My apartment and the lawsuits it is somehow avoiding; Valentine's Day; and the rat

1) Computers. I don't really know anything about the way they work, but I generally have an okay time fixing problems/installing things. I installed a mac style task bar on my computer and hell broke loose. Now I only have 1/3 of the pictures I once had, and my AIM keeps freezing up whenever its been running for more than 10 minutes. Besides, I think someone has my screen name because it continues to tell me that i'm signed in at more than one location. Someone give me a good reason aside from my limited finances why I shouldn't get one of those new Gateway convertible tablet notebooks. Please.

2) Kittens. Zoey got declawed and spayed last weekend, and again, hell broke loose. We brought her back here to stay, so she could be with her little kitten friend, and somehow, sometime through the night she maneuvered the cone on her head in a way that she was able to rip her feet open where they took the claws out. After a scene somewhat short of something you'd see in The Shining, and another trip to the vet, she's been staying at Joey's for the past week, pretty much living out of the bathroom with an abnormally large cone on her head, in order to prevent her from getting fuzz, or hair, or anything that would further infect her feet, in them. She gets to stay there for another week, at least. Basically, I've been getting sleep now, since I don't have a nuisance kitten sucking on the blankets surrounding my face. Though Tara has a creepy liking for spooning lately...but I think she's just lonely.

3) Age requirements. As you probably guessed, this caused hell to break loose again. Parents found out about the prospective plan of staying with Joe for the summer, and didn't like it very much. Apparently the plan I've chosen for myself isn't the picture perfect portrait of the "family dream" that my mom envisioned for me on the day I was born. Someone get me a witness, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, cause I don't seem to understand the issue here. I'm not looking for approval, just looking for something other than resentment. How is someone who is a country's length away, and spoken to someone for a cumulative 3 hours supposed to pass a judgment on soul mate compatability? I didn't think so either...

4) Potential Lawsuits. This apartment complex blows my mind. The elevator here is the most ghetto, run down piece of machinery within at least a few cities. At least every other week, it is broken for about 3 days at a time. Now consider that this is an 8 story building, I can only imagine how angry the people are on the top floor. For some reason though, they have sufficient funds to powerwash and repaint the entire building, though they are unable to repair the elevator that people continuously complain about. This past weekend the handle actually broke off the door that leads to the stairwell, leaving people to prop it open 24 hours a day. Considering that there are reports of "forceful" robberies within a mile of here, I thought that having the building unlocked all weekend was a safety violation. However, the maitenance people wouldn't come out over the weekend because it wasn't an emergency. When asked what constituted an emergency, the operator replied "I don't know." Help me out with this departments respond to fires, police to breakins; it just seems logical that maitenance on call would respond to a broken door that left the building completely unlocked for the whole weekend...wishful thinking I guess. By the way, my parents suspect I am exaggerating, or using this "situation" as an excuse to move out of here, and stay with Joe. Not really, just makes me want my lease to end sooner.

5) Valentine's Day. If anyone who actually knows me, or did at one point, is reading this, you will realize that my favorite holiday will be here in a week. That means, excuse to wear obnoxious pink shirt to class, excuse to get dressed up and do nothing all night, excuse to make kittens wear bows in their hair, and ME to wear bows in my hair, and anything else fun, festive and exciting that I haven't yet thought, eat a bunch of chocolate and not feel bad about it:)

6) I really like chop chops from the rat.

I'll leave anyone interested with some quotes from my professors this semester:

"Lawyers aren't geniuses...the fact that the lights turn on? I still don't understand that..."

"Sobriety...I'm not big on that; Contracts? now that, I'm big on..."

"Think the people at Enron...thats how you make money..."

"Go ahead nerd...calm down class, this is serious shit...."rescission"

"He found 200 bags of marijuana…and I don't know if you've ever seen 200 bags of marijuana, but it's a lot…"

Makes you wonder doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

another interesting, albeit pessimistic post. holy moses, i love em. so much blood and gore in that apartment. just tell the truth, your cat was sucking too much on your comforter, so you beat the shit out of her and you had to take her to get fixed up, like a man beating his cheating-whore gf. amen. maybe only us jews do that, i dunno. speaking of which, i dont like V-Day so much. Maybe that's b/c I have to pay for the sex. Who knows? Maybe next week will be different, and someone drunk won't charge me.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty certain that the same person who's signing on with our AIM names has been stealing my socks, renaming my music files, and exuding a peculiar odor into my apartment wherever my roommate sits his ass for a long period of time.