Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Day I Thought Would Never Come

Wow...what a week. I've been surprisingly busy, but it seems to have all come to a much needed end of bliss...after tomorrow.

I finally passed all my server/bar tests today...well, finally took them. Fortunately, I passed as well, so I can now tell you in detail, about all the Mahi Mahi dishes we have on the menu...fantastic. A skill I loved to think I would never have...

Anyways, I have a double tomorrow, two training shifts in a row. Again, the bliss doesn't start until after tomorrow. I won't get out until probably midnight...which is fine, because then I can get back, and get a good nights sleep, and prepare for the five straight days (at least) that I don't have to work!!!

And...if that isn't enough to put a smile on my face, I get to take a trip to Miami airport on Wednesday afternoon to pick up a much anticipated visitor...;) Joe will be here for a week, which will be awesome, though I feel as though I'm still in between that tourist/local status so I'll have to see what I can do:)

My car still isn't fixed...tear...but on a lighter note, I can put my hair in a ponytail which is a plus seeing as how August in Florida has been described as "a month-long heat wave." I can't wait. But I'm surprisingly used to the hot weather. I can even wear long pants like the locals...wow that sounds ridiculous.

Someone told me today that people up North have it all backwards...apparently, when it's hot, you should drink something hot, like tea, because then the heat will be "turned away from you..." or something like that. I don't buy it.

Caleb, if that tea drinking thing you were talking about is true, the fill that whole smily face cup up again!! It's so good once it hits your lips!! Everything will work out for you, I promise. Remember when you used to always tell me that? Well I'm telling you right now... maybe not now, but it will be:)

Anyways, I need to get to bed. One more busy day...one...more...day...:)

p.s.- my cat still eats internet cables.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


So I've realized that I post a little more than usual, which probably has something to do with the fact that I go into work at 2, so it doesn't leave a whole lot of time in the morning after raging to the school and the phone company, and/or anyone else who's been trying to take away from my excitement since I've been here. Anyways, it just leaves me more time in the morning to post about random, uninteresting things that probably only I care to hear about.

I get to see Joe again next week, and I almost feel like I'm going on a first date again...I'm kinda nervous, but ridiculously excited. It'll have been about 3 weeks since the last time he saw me, I hope the lighter hair and tan will be acceptable;)

My new job is going well, training is kind of hellish, but it's alright. They surprisingly gave me a lot of time off next week, after hearing that I had a "visitor" coming into town. In that sense, they seem to be nothing like Carino's, who would've probably scheduled me doubles the whole week.

Speaking of Carino's, the self addressed envelope that I left them before I left (to mail my check in) was still sitting there next to my check when I called them last night to check on its whereabouts. Checks came out May 12...the math is almost depressing.

I was forced against my own will to eat raw tuna yesterday at work. Well, it wasn't that dramatic, but apparently it is a delicacy down here or something. I wasn't appalled at the taste, but combined with the sight of it, I felt a little uneasy.

My cat loves it here, almost too much. She even brings things to me that she wants to play with. You should see it, she'll jump almost 5 feet in the air for some little wand thingy that she has. I think she turned into a mutant during that long trip down here in the car.

Anyone who knows me at all should be surprised that I actually do "active" things on a daily basis. I've only driven my car once since I got here, ironically the day it got hit, but anyway; I walk everywhere and bike every night. The beach is getting to be almost a "bearable" ride for me. The sunset is worth it. I hope the fact that the forecast for the next 9 days now, isolated thunderstorms and severe lightning, doesn't put a damper on things.

Time to find another bank...hopefully one that will screw me more than 5/3 did, cause if it's possible, that would be simply amazing. I love banks that falsely overdraw people's accounts for fun. Anyway, no use getting worked up about it, I'll just grit my teeth and write another sticky note. It may as well be my new wallpaper...

On that note, throw another pot of coffee on...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Our Verdict: Reinstatement

So I had a funny thing happen to me the other day. For a couple days, I was actually no longer accepted to Miami Law School. Apparently they had misplaced my tuition deposit, leading them to think I never made one, and therefore could potentially give my seat to someone on the waiting list. Anyway, everything worked out, but needless to say, it was kind of a scare seeing as how I had just relocated to the city. A small part of me thought I would be coming back to Michigan after all.

I start my new job today...that should be fun:) Something new to add in the schedule. The only downfall is that "Marino's" has too much of a resemblence to "Carino's," which I wanted to get away from altogether, but we'll see if they can outdo them at least a little.

It's kinda wierd, not that I left at a 'freezing' time in Michigan or anything, but to see a weather forecast that actually has flames coming off the thermometer. Kinda scary at first, but it surprised me how much I actually got used to it. It's about high noon, overcast, and a high 87 degrees, but I can't wait to get outside:)

Just to keep the list of city perks going: there is a candy store here that has more gummies that you could ever imagine. And if you know me well enough, you know how I feel about gummies. I'm talking: foot-long gummy worms, gummy superheros, tarantulas, lizards, palm trees, teeth!, bats, ABC's, man the list goes on....but drumroll for the one that sticks out in my mind - chocolate covered gummies:) I felt like I was in heaven when I rolled in there. Aside from gummies, they have enough candy to keep everyone here on a sugar high for at least a week.

Caleb - I'm drinking out of that coffee cup right now, and the smile on my face is bigger than the one on there. So thank you for that.

Wow the forecast says it's going to severely thunderstorm for the next 8 days...I'd like to see that...

Starbucks iced coffee drinks can shed light on any mood...just thought I'd share that:)

Friday, May 20, 2005

I Can't Believe I Missed It!!!

Wow...if you need another perk to this gorgeous city...it's this:

Yesterday my mom and I went galavanting around downtown...rode the metro and whatnot...and ended up at this phenomenal mall...with palm trees in it:)

But the catch is this: We walked around and shopped for hours, only to get home and realize that although we had a wonderful dinner in the food court, THERE IS A CHEESECAKE FACTORY HERE!!!

Yes, that's right, I thought that was only a blessing to be enjoyed by awesome cities like Chicago, but alas, there is one right here in Miami:) (about 5 minutes away from my house)...needless to say, I plan on making a much needed appearance tonight:)

Other than the guy next door who cooks bacon every morning that smells like decaying dead things, everything is wonderful. Although I'm tan, settled, unpacked, and a little unfamiliar, everything seems to be working out pretty well. I'm starting to feel a little more like a local. Preparing for hurricane season and everything;)

But I miss a lot too...:( So try not to forget about me down here...:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dumps Like A Truck?

So I made it accross the country - with all my stuff, parents, cat, and all. My apartment is starting to look a little more like home...way different than Holland - but nonetheless...it's gotta look like my home somehow.

My mom is still here, which has actually been a lot less stressful than I had imagined. I have had a pretty good time here so far, but I think it may all hit me like a ton of bricks when I'm finally alone. I'm now starting to realize how incredibly hard it is to live away from the people who mean the most to you...it's going to be absolutely hellish.

I've tried to keep busy to take my mind off feeling sad about leaving, though it's not working all that well, I have managed to:

a) witness my dad get a ticket for 35 over in a u-haul
b) move-in and set up my apartment
c) look for a job
d) get my car crashed in a sweet hit-and-run parking garage incident
e) meet some people who won't come close to being adequate replacements for friends
f) get tan
g) get a bike, and ride it a lot
h) learn to hate smoking

The AC is cranked, and it's a cool 80 degrees here right now - I feel like I've taken living in Michigan for granted all this time...but it's amazing here. But then again, I love palm trees, and I love summer. My cat seems to be enjoying it here too - though she's sleeping most of the time, at least she's not chewing internet cables.

The bars are all open until 3 a.m., so that's one downfall of wanting to bartend in a big city, though a perk for prospective visitors;) I'll miss celebrating my birthday with the people I love, miss, and care about in Michigan- but don't worry...I'll hopefully have a couple drinks to toast to you...you know who you are:)

By the way, if anyone's interested in acquiring a cat...don't bother buying one cause they wander the streets like creepy people here...for free...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

All the Times I have Sat and Stared...

Happy...Graduation, Mother's Day, Move Out Day, and Birthday...all in one week. What happens next? It's been an amazing week...I've got to see a lot of people for probably the last time, but it's been awesome.

I'm on my second 4-cup pot of coffee within an hour...and that means I may be going crazy in about another hour, but so be it - my headache is slowly going away...I've been trying to cut back, but that's gone down the drain along with a lot of other things. Oh well. May as well live it up the last couple days right?

My apartment now only consists of things that are coming with me, everything else is either sold/given away, or in the dumpster somewhere...so if you're thinking about tagging along, you may want to get packed in an empty box or suitcase and get ready for the ride...

This will for sure be my last post before I leave, because the next thing to get packed is this computer...and unforunately I have a comencement ceremony to attend tomorrow afternoon. That leaves Monday, my last day in this lovely Dutch town of Holland...that may sound bitter and pesimistic, but let me assure you, I'm only taking happy memories with me for trip down...along with my cat, and parents...it may be a bumpy ride, but we'll make it.

"Welcome to resistance,
The tension is here...
Between who you are and who you could be,
Between how it is and how it should be...
I dare you to move,
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor...
Like today never happened
Today never happened...before..."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Goodbye with a Lime Twist

Seeing as how my interenet is already cancelled, and I'm only posting through the miracle of an unsecured wireless network that only works 20% of the time, this may be my last post from this good ol' state of Michigan.

It's been a blast this week so far, i've had some good conversations, and some hard ones...but regardless, after I think about it, I think it might actually all work out. Guess it won't be long until I find out for real though.

It just seems like pieces of my life are coming to and end one by one...but unfortunately I don't want that to happen to the whole thing. I know I'm starting over but I'm not planning on forgetting what I started here either...stay in touch:)

I think my only chances of making that happen simply include the act of advertising the city. "Miami: bikini's, sun, beaches, and Stephanie's apartment." Sounds like almost as good of a magazine ad as "my caught you looking jeans" doesn't it...

Well I guess that's it. That's my story right now, goodbye's and graduation. Kinda depressing, but I'm about 75% there to being excited to get down there. That may spiral back to 0% when I realize it was a one-way trip, but who knows.

Ok well this unsecured wireless internet is failing me, as it this post and the hopes of finding that 300 dollars...

Can I have a damn lemon for this drink already?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Let the Fun Begin...Then End...

Welcome to May:)

With Carino's coming to a long and rocky end last night...there's going to be nothing but good times ahead, at least for the next week. I'll be here until next Tuesday saying goodbyes, so if you want it on it, hit me up.

On another note, anyone looking for a couch, a big one, I want mine out of here...for a small amount of money.

Pancakes are awesome. But I wish I would have had strawberries or something...:)

I have a kind of busy week now that I think about it. Besides having to move my life out of here, I have to do all those last minute random things that sometimes only your parents can think of to remember. Needless to say I'll be making lots of random trips to Muskegon over the next couple days cause I now have to move out of there completely too.

I am officially leasing a place in Miami...starting right now...but still haven't found that lost money. I'd put out a reward, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it.

P.S. - I have to cancel my internet soon so don't be scared if you don't hear from me for awhile.

"I believe the term 'made out like a bandit' would apply here..."